Polar Coordinate Graphing Applet

Also, be sure to check out Mr. P.'s   Polynomial Graphing Program (applet).

C. RP 7/7/02.     


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0. This program may have errors !!!! 

1. Anyone can mess with the numbers. Just click or hold the scroll bars.  You won't see anything unless you put nonzero numbers in the boxes. A cool thing to do is to set the first box to 1 then hold the scroll bar down for the second box!!

2.   Most math students study this stuff  after the 10th or 11th grade.  The math function represented is  R = A * Sin ( n * Theta ), where R is the radius, A is the amplitude, and Theta is the angle (  0 deg. to 360 deg.)  or ( 0 to 2*pi).

3.  Let me know if you have other ideas or improvements or find bugs. 


Radius = A * Sin ( n * theta ).   You can make A and n anything between 10 and -10.  The angle theta automatically goes from 0 deg. to 360 deg. each time you change A or n.  (Yeah, that's fast.)